
Waiting ( Haiku )

can it be I think

The colors fade in a blink

So I wait …😅

Run/ Eclipse / Schultz

Birthday Run


I woke this morning on my birthday and one of the things I knew for sure was, I was going to make scones (Scottish heritage) and I wanted to run.  The weather has turned warmer, and the sun was once again shinning.  I tied my shoes and watched the clock as I knew it was going to take some self-convincing.

As I started to leave the phone rang.  It was Jonathan wishing me Happy Birthday and he wanted to talk.  I told him, we could talk as I go so, I would still have enough time to run and get back to pick up my grandson Keagan.    

He said, I could call him back after the run.  I said, sure, that would be lovely. Then he said, “Mom, please be careful.”  “Mom, be safe out there today.”  I reassured him it was in the middle of the day and where I ran there was almost no one around, yet it was safe. 

Then he repeated it, we said, I love you, and hung up.  

When I got to the parking space and shut down the car, I thought about his caution about being careful.  I thought to myself, he never says that with all the running I have done over the years.  I turned on my watch and phone and starting thinking about some other things instead.  

I started up what the children and I termed over the years, ‘killer’s hill,’ Skeeter is buried there (or his ashes.). As I ran, as usual I talk to God/universe, and then observe the trees and melted snow.  The cottonwood is so lovely with the white bark and barren limbs.  Although havoc to my head in the spring.  Everything is visible, but isn’t that the way it is with life, as we get older.  The foliage falls away and the person we are starts to reveal our limbs and our knots. 

Then up to where I could turn and start back and hills are finally with me, not against me.  As I get closer to the end of the road where I will turn right to head toward the firing range, and eventually the airfield and back to 7thbrick and the car.  

Running toward the stop sign where I would turn to take the road back as I described.  I hear a loud truck, and I thought, lovely, not.  I of course, was running against the direction of traffic (although there was none). He was about parallel to me as I came closer to the stop sign.

Suddenly, he started sounding his horn, and he did not let up.  I thought, what, what is he doing.  Then everything that happened from this point on can be defined as seconds, or almost instantaneous.  I am now almost level to his cab, and I decided with his holding his horn down I will sprint out ahead and get out of the way.  

As I forged ahead, he starts hitting the horn louder and harder and faster.  I looked up at him, and then it was when I saw a speeding blue sedan turning left and going straight at me, and at the same time trying to start breaking.  I veered to my left as he swerved to my right (his left), coming close to the large sanitation truck’s cab.  He swayed to the middle of the road and continued.  I was clearly stunned, and I looked up at the driver who was looking at me, and I put my hand over my heart and said thank you.  He paused, smiled from the truck, and waved a few times…

The blue car never stopped and had disappeared.  I started to run again.  As I ran, I started processing what had happened.  I thought to myself, I wonder if that gentleman will go to bed tonight and say, “I saved a life today.”  I tried not to cry at that moment and kept going.  

I went back to Jonathan’s words, “Mom, be careful, Mom, be safe.”  I knew it was something different with his words of caution.  I finally had completed the 5 ½ miles, arrived at the car.  I decided it was my birthday n I had a free scooter, and I would get it on the way home.  

I drove up to the window and ordered it.  The lovely African American lady came to the window, and it was slow.  While it was being made, she asked if I had just run.  I told her, yes.

Then I shared what had happened on the run.  I also shared what my son had said, and how it resonated with me, and then this gentleman that fought so hard with his truck horn to keep me from getting hit.  How Jonathan, had seemingly said, ‘a caution prayer, ‘of which he has never done in all the years I have been running.

As, she handed me the drink, she quoted William Cowper’s Hymn that was later published by John Newton, ‘in his 26 Letters on Religious Subjects, to which are added hymns. 

“God moves in a mysterious way, 

His wonders to perform,” 

When I returned home, I shared with Jonathan and then I looked up the rest of the poem. 

I share:

God moves in a mysterious way,
    His wonders to perform.
He plants his footsteps in the sea,
    And rides upon the storm.

Deep in unfathomable mines
    Of never-failing skill.
He treasures up his bright designs,
    And works His sovereign will.

Ye fearful saints’ fresh courage take,
    The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break.
    In blessings on your head.

Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
    But trust him for his grace.
Behind a frowning providence,
    He hides a smiling face.

His purposes will ripen fast,
    Unfolding ev’ry hour.
The bud may have a bitter taste,
    But sweet will be the flow’r.

Blind unbelief is sure to err,
    And scan his work in vain.
God is his own interpreter,
    And he will make it plain.[3]

“God moves in a mysterious way, 

His wonders to perform,” —William Cowper Poem

Comfort Hymn


I woke wondering

What should I do

I poured my coffee

And tied my shoes

I guess I will run

That is who I am

The beauty of the sunrise

My day begins again

Copyright ©️ CMM 2023

A Gift


Time will see

What the paint brush

Gives to me.

CMM. Copyright : 2023

Eliza Strong

Run with the angels Eliza,

we will never forget.

The strength of your will,

the power of your step.

We will continue to run,

with the spirit of all who knew.

Why you slipped on your shoes

out for a morning renew.

Run  with the Angels Eliza,

we will push forward for you.

All the runners behind you,

will continue to tie up our 👟 shoes.

(Dedicated to :  Eliza Fletcher who lost her life recently just out for a run.)

CMM. 2022 #eliza #femalerunners # runners 🏃‍♀️ #freedom

Stars and Stripes

All Proceeds go to the Veterans

Trying to get ready for the “Stars and Stripes “